October 22, 2024

About Kyklos
What is Kyklos?
The Kyklos Program is recommended by eye care professionals for dry eye patients who can benefit from a comprehensive approach to treatment. Kyklos starts with the newest technology in preservative free products. Kyklos provides patients with:
  1. Knowledge about their condition
  2. Customized treatments for their eyes
  3. A place to communicate with other dry eye patients and experts
  4. Long term support for their condition and treatments
  5. A way to access your treatments without having to leave your home
What does kykloshealth.com provide to me?
kykloshealth.com is a dry eye patient support site that provides you with the tools you need to better understand and manage your dry eye and Blepharitis symptoms. Dry eye and Blepharitis are chronic conditions that require commitment from yourself and your eye doctor, to manage effectively.

A useful tool is the daily tracking system, which assists you in adhering to your eye doctor’s medication recommendations and lifestyle changes.

Why should I use the tracking system?
Dry eye, although a chronic condition, can be managed with the use of appropriate medications and possible lifestyle changes. However, patient compliance is a critical factor in symptom relief. Daily reminders are often needed for patients to remember the role they play in their own symptom management. The daily tracking system is designed to assist you. With regular input you can track your symptoms, medication use and lifestyle adjustments. Over time this will help you and your eye doctor know what relieves your symptoms and what does not.
Will my personal information be automatically shared with my Eye Doctor?
Your personal information will be shared with your eye doctor, only if you authorize its release. The authorization is located on “My Consents” page.
Will my personal information be automatically included in the ongoing study to better understand dry eye in Canada?
Your personal information will be included in the ongoing study, only if you authorize its inclusion. The authorization is located on “My Consents” page.
Who do I contact if I have questions about my dry eye or Blepharitis condition?
You may find answers to your questions, under My Condition Frequently Asked Questions, or you can send an email to Ask An Expert.
Who is the expert in Ask An Expert?
Your question will be answered by an Ophthalmologist. However, if he feels your question should be answered by your own Eye Doctor, he will confirm this by return email.
What is the benefit of buying products on-line vs. purchasing from my eye doctor?
The key benefit of purchasing on-line is convenience. Product is ordered, and delivered directly to your home or a convenient location for you. In addition there are at times, on-line promotions that will enable you to save on your purchase. Perhaps, most importantly, always having product on hand will make it easier to remain compliant with your doctor’s recommended use of your products.
What is the benefit of receiving emails about my condition?
Receiving emails about your condition offer two real benefits:
  1. Some information may be new to you, and offer you suggestions for managing or relieving your dry eye or Blepharitis symptoms.
  2. Staying reminded helps to remain compliant to your doctor’s recommendation. Compliance is a key factor in symptom management and relief.